Fresh Air
Enjoy fresh, pure, healthy air. Remove harmful viruses, fungi, molds, and bacteria. Trap and eliminate potentially harmful ultrafine particles in your indoor air. Remove airborne chemicals.
Sun Healthy Home™ offers state-of-the-art solutions for cleaning the air in your home or small business i.e. patented DFS technology (Disinfecting Filtration System). DFS uses an electrical grid to kill pathogens and clump ultra-fine particles (down to .007 microns) for removal. DFS removes particles 40 times smaller than HEPA technology. Plus, we offer solutions to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Developed through a U.S. military grant, DFS is proven to be more effective and with less need for maintenance than UV light technology for removing mold and other pathogens.
Sun Healthy Home™ offers a range of models ~ whole house to stand alone units. Plus we offer commercial units for small business i.e. hair salons, nail salons, screen printing, etc. Sun Healthy Home™ is a local preferred supplier for Healthway, a 35-year-old company that 12-years ago abandoned production of UV lights, HEPA and electrostatic technologies for state-of-the-art DFS.